
02. Abstract

02. Abstract Audio Recording (Podcast File) Continuation of the autobiography. The C programming language course began at the university in 1994 in early autumn. I continue to study it to this day. By the way, TCL itself is written in C (well, at least its core). The language have a great practical importance for the development of both system and application software. Also around this time I was working part-time: more for interest and access to a PC, which I did not have. Projects were conducted in the Clipper programming language. I wrote a database editor. Data was stored in DBF format files. In some ways, they very remotely resemble the unpretentious SQLite DBMS files, which I plan to talk about in the future (SQLite and TCL are shared in embedded electronics). In 1995, I had my own IBM / Intel compatible personal computer (PC) with an AMD 486 DX4-100 processor. On it I was engaged in self-education. In particular, I mastered object-oriented programming (OOP) in

01. Abstract

Audiorecord (podcast file) Hello. I'm Andrey Voronov, I am starting the first issue of a podcast devoted to the programming language TCL . In my opinion, this language has always been rather poorly covered. Especially in the non English-languages spoken segment of the Internet and in domestic literature. The first programming language I studied was BASIC in the last classes of the school. Probably, in the lessons of computer science, the vast majority of you studied it. Less than I would like, I managed to run programs in the walls of the school on an Agat computer . The university took several courses in various disciplines of programming. We started with the Pascal language . This is the classic first language for fundamental education in higher education. The equipment used was conventional, as IBM-compatible personal computers (PCs) used to say IBM-PC compatible. The operating system was then MS-DOS .